Sunday, March 17, 2013

New year, new things to do

When 2013 came, I set a few goals, which didn't necessarily encompass the usual "exercise more", eat healthier" etc. (Although those are all goals I still hope to accomplish). However, I have decided to try and go on more trips this year! My first mode of action was to book a flight to Belgium. I really wanted to go visit the northern Flemish region. My flight took off from SLC January 28th 2013 and arrived in Brussels Belgium. Below are the cities I visited while in Belgium, with a few pictures and descriptions encompassing each place. Enjoy...

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels was a pretty large and historic city. While there I visited the Grand Place, which is the city center of Brussels. It was very beautiful with a lot of amazing buildings. I enjoyed plenty of waffles and frites!

Leuven, Belgium

What to say about Leuven? Well, it was pretty much a small college town, with only one main attraction, the Stella Atois factory...and some cool old cathedrals. .

Mechelen, Belgium

Mechelen was pretty close to Leuven, and very similar as well. It was comprised of a small college, with some old buildings and a beautiful town square.

Antwerp, Belgium

Antwerp, the fashion city of the world. This was a very busy city fillwd with people all over the world, but had a uniquely high population of orthodox Jews. There was even a string that surrounded the entire city which gave the distance one may travel on the Sabbath. Very cool...

Ghent, Belgium

Oh Ghent. Probably one of my favorite cities to visit. Filled with student, cathedrals, and plenty of places to shop. I ended up staying on a house boat on the Ghent River. It was quite an amazing experience!

Bruges, Belgium

Little Vienna, City of Romance, and Best Waffles in the world.....yep, Bruges lived up to the hype! It was like a fairy-tale city. I stayed at a very cool hostel right next to the city center. I climbed the Belfry, and bought elegant Belgium chocolate made right in front of me! (a lot of pictures, but it was my favorite place)

Liege, Belgium

To finish my little trip to Belgium I decided to take a trip farther south to a historically famous Belgium city, known as Liege. Flemish was no longer spoken. French was the dominating language. It was a very interesting city to say the least. There were good times, and bad times, and a lot of rain! But Im glad I made the visit so I could get a little taste of southern Belgium!

Welp, that was my little adventure to Belgium. I hope you enjoyed it. My next trip will be in a couple weeks to Lima, Peru. I am excited...