Friday, October 26, 2012

The day with my Pops!

Well, woke up this morning...called my work and told them I was sick...(hopefully my boss isn't reading this)...and then I decided to go hunting and fishing with my dad. We went up to Jeremy Ranch and Kamas area. There was a fresh layer of snow covering all the ground, which made for a nice scenic view, but even better hunting conditions. We jumped plenty of ducks, shot plenty of green heads and even a beautiful wood duck. My brother tagged some geese, and a snipe. I then added to our limit by catching a few fish. Quite the successful day if I do say so myself. Nothing like a beautiful Friday in the great outdoors of Utah. I love my pops!

Monday, October 15, 2012

When a Hobo Kid meets up with Freebird

Its always a good day when you wake up and ask yourself "what do I want to do today?" Its even better when Ronnie is asking himself the same question! We decided to take a little trip up to my property and catch some fishies and enjoy the last of the autumn beauty. When "a hobo kid" meets up with "Freebird", only good things happen. We finished our afternoon adventure with some fried chicken and corn dogs. What could be better? That's right...nothing.

Fishing and Hunting and Camping...Oh my!

This summer and fall have been quite adventurous and full of great memories and good times. I couldn't possibly describe each camping trip, fishing adventure, or hunting escapade in their entirety. So this post is a condensed compilation of my adventures.
 Whether it was camping in the Uintahs with good friends, hunting in the Kamas lowlands with my Pops and brothers, or fishing the lakes and rivers of Utah,  I left each trip with an appreciation of what Utah has to offer. I love the beauty of the mountains, the sound of the river, and being in good company, The below pictures only express a fraction of how much fun I had, but I hope you enjoy!

Ireland Adventures

Due to computer problems my old Ireland Blog cannot be edited. So, please check out my Ireland adventures at